Saturday, February 13, 2010

Okay John Mayer... You Can Shut Up Now!

Well, after reading the Playboy interview, it is clear that John has delusions of grandeur. He is right, he does not know of the Black experience. And after this interview, he'll never know a Black woman the way he knew Jessica Simpson, or any other white woman.
He has fallen under the spell that most white musicians have. That playing the blues gives you legitimacy with Black people, listening to rap music makes you cool. But most of all, having Black people as your friends or co-workers, gives you the right to talk to us the way we talk amongst ourselves. Saying the "n" word is offensive whether Black people say it, or white people saying it.
It is truly a word that should be stricken from the English language. It has no use, nor purpose.

1 comment:

Kittie Howard said...

I'm of the opinion that no one should use the n-word. It's offensive and insulting. And artistic interpretation by musicians is just a way to gain cheap attention. Shame on them!